He has made me who i am...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


well today was the first ultrasound/bloodwork day of our final invitro attempt and it seems as though 7 is the lucky number! i had 7 follicles on both ovaries, all measuring at 7's, 8's, and 9's (for the lucky ones that need translation, just know those are good measurements! haha) Maybe we will name our child after the number 7 like the Beckhams did! haha silly celebrities! (but hey, we still may if this all turns up successful! ;) this was the first time i had to go to an appointment without Chadd or my mom but i was a big girl! since chadd started his new job its a little hard to hop on over to meet me at the clinic when he works all the way in Mertzon now! i wasn't too worried though since i knew by the hot flashes and cramping ovaries that more than likely everything was growing as it should!
i have another appointment thursday, same as todays, then if it all looks okay we will head to san antonio friday night for an appointment saturday morning! we will know more by then as to what exact days retrieval and transfer will occur, since my ovaries are in control its their call! short and sweet! I will try to update thursday for anyone interested in keeping up!

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